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Project/Students Meeting in Debrecen, Hungary (October 2018)

KA2 European Citizenship – Shaping a Transnational Identity - Students Meeting, Project Meeting


SUNDAY, 07 / 10 / 2018:

- All the teams arrive at the airport in Budapest

- Croatian, Estonian, Finish team do a Budapest sightseeing tour at night

- staying overnight in a hostel in Budapest


MONDAY, 08 / 10 / 2018:

- Sightseeing in Budapest

- Travelling to Debrecen (bus)

- Welcoming from the host families at school


TUESDAY, 09 / 10 / 2018:

- Welcome Ceremony and Introduction

- Tour through school

- presentations on composers and instruments, Kahoot contest after that in transnational groups

- singing the EU anthem together, recording it

- sightseeing in Debrecen (Great Church, students present special parts of Debrecen)

WEDNESDAY, 10 / 10 / 2018:

- students attend a lesson with their host student

- project meeting for teachers

- demonstration and teaching of one national sport or game

- visiting the horse cart at Hortobágy

THURSDAY, 11 / 10 / 2018:

- students  attend the lesson with their host student

- project meeting for teachers

- rehearsal for presentations

- performances of typical national fairy-tales

- discussions in transnational groups, finding similarities, differences and typical combining parts of fairy tales from different countries

- walking to Great Forest, visiting the University of Debrecen

- visiting the stadium


FRIDAY, 12 / 10 / 2018:

- students  attend the lesson with their host student

- project meeting for teachers

- presentations on national holidays in transnational groups

- creating a calender together

- flights back home

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