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Vaalan yhtenäiskoulu
Vaala comprehensive school, Vaalan Yhtenäiskoulu, is located in the middle of Finland in a rural area at the lake Oulujärvi. It has approximately 260 pupils and 30 teachers. The municipality of Vaala has about 2900 inhabitants.
The school building was built in 2012. All grades from the 1st to the 9th are studying in the same school building. We also have preschoolers and upper secondary school students here. Most of the subject teachers teach both at the comprehensive school and at the upper secondary school.
The educational system in Finland consists of pre-school, compulsory nine-year-basic education, comprehensive school. After basic education students can choose an upper secondary school or a vocational school. If you want to find out more about the education in Finland, please click the button below.
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