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EU Simulation Game about "Refugee Policy in the EU"

Since 2011 the state agency for political education in Düssledorf offers students and teachers the possibility to take part in a simulation game in which students get to know different perspectives of different conutries in Europe concerning refugee and asylum policy.

They discuss with each other from these perspectives and try to find a solution for the problem in a simulated special summit of the EU. This is the perfect possibility to get to know not only the different problems, ideas and fears of the EU member states, but also the role the media plays and how decision making processes in EU council sessions work.

One history course of the Friedrich-Spee Comprehensive school in class 11 took part in this experiment and was quite successful in finding a solution. Together with their teacher Mrs. Pantel they spent an exciting day in Düssledorf, before they evaluated their insights in class.

Europa Team.PNG

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